Bags packed, ready to go.
After our first bus, we snacked and waited for the next bus on our trip.
Our second bus was right on time and brought us to our first true destination - lunch.
With lunch down and out, we headed for our final destination...our friends Hugh and Dustin.
Hugh and Sammy
Sammy and her buddy Dustin
Sam got to help fix and then play on some of Hugh's pinball tables...
Thanks to Hugh for having us over and providing us with not only a destination for our adventure.
Sam then got a special treat for the first time - venison!
( No pics of the venison, just picture me too busy to take any due to wolfing down some great deer meat. )
All in all, a great day with Sammy. Momma had the idea of us getting a pass to the Children's Museum and embarking on more "City Bus Adventures". I like that idea almost as much as Sammy does.